Conversation, Coffee & Communion (CCC93) is a Thelemic breakfast community designed for the edification of Thelemites, Thelemic-adjacent individuals, and others interested in Applied Thelema. Upcoming meeting dates can be found on our calendar.
CCC93 does one thing: it brings people together over breakfast for real talk in real time about life, the universe, and everything in a nonsectarian manner while promoting the doctrines, details, and direction of Thelema in the world.
There is no magical praxis here, no doctrinal authority invoked, and no sectarian involvement or recruitment* tolerated. CCC93 is a community of those looking to disseminate Thelema in a pragmatic manner through religious and philosophical interests and education of its participants.
You can also find information about the Illuminati Book Club here.
*In the future (no earlier than Summer 2023), there may be enough interest to start a local body of the Kaaba House Fellowship. It would consist of a founding membership drawn from interested individuals from CCC93. KHF is a religious expression of the Law of Thelema that does not rely on secrets, neo-masonic initiations, or a hierarchal authority structure. KHF promotes the communion, community, and conscience of each individual.